

Express Entry Canada: Unlocking Points via Canadian Job Offers

The Express Entry system of Canada operates with a points-based framework that recognizes specific job offers as potential score boosters.

Under this mechanism, a Canadian job offer can translate into an augmentation of either 50 or 200 Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points, strategically elevating your prospects within the Express Entry pool. These accrued points exponentially amplify your likelihood of obtaining the coveted Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residency.

The Year 2022 in Express Entry Canada

The privilege of accruing these points through a job offer within the Express Entry framework is relatively uncommon. In 2019, merely thirteen percent of the Express Entry applicants received supplementary points for possessing a job offer upon their receipt of ITAs.

The 50-point reward rests assuredly within your grasp, subject to fulfilling the specified prerequisites. If you aspire to garner 200 points, prerequisites include Canadian citizenship and a job offer encompassing six pivotal occupations, all of which encompass senior managerial roles and legislative functions. Solely a job offer in a skilled profession aligns you with the 50-point tier.

Deciphering the Essence of a "Valid" Job Offer

Canada's Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) designate full-time continuous paid employment as admissible. Fulfilling the full-time criteria necessitates a minimum of 30 hours of weekly engagement within a singular enterprise. Alternatively, applicants from the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) can work for up to two companies.

Furthermore, the job in question must correspond to a skilled profession, falling within categories 00, 0, A, or B of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) system.

In many instances, a favorable Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) stands as a prerequisite, diligently pursued by your employer, to unlock the LMIA points. This assessment is predominantly requested by businesses aiming to recruit foreign workers, illustrating their commitment to non-detrimental integration within the Canadian workforce.

However, exemptions from LMIA are applicable to certain professions. These exemptions allow you to amass points for these roles if you possess a year's worth of experience and intend to continue the engagement for at least another year post acquiring your permanent residency visa. Notably, the work permits you possess should align with your current employer listed on the work visa.

Curating Job Offer Points

The eligibility criteria for acquiring job offer points under the revamped framework of Quebec's Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) is a multifaceted equation that revolves around specific prerequisites. A pivotal determinant is a candidate's possession of a year's worth of full-time, remunerated experience within a skilled profession. This foundational criterion serves as a hallmark of the candidate's professional prowess and underscores their capacity to contribute effectively within their designated role.

The intricate orchestration continues with the onus on both the candidate and their prospective employer to attain an authoritative endorsement for the job offer. This substantiates the alignment between the candidate's skills and the requirements of the position, as duly specified within the Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). This symbiotic alignment fosters a holistic understanding of the employment relationship and affirms its viability within Quebec's labor market landscape.

Furthermore, the synchronized narrative extends to the congruence between the candidate's work permit and the LMIA-based employer. This cohesive synchronization validates the ongoing employment relationship, cementing the candidate's contribution to their designated role beyond a fleeting transaction.

The subsequent clauses delve into the nuanced intricacies of the program. One facet reflects the inclusion of candidates who secure a valid employment offer for a minimum of one year subsequent to their attainment of permanent resident status. This dynamic provision embraces a holistic view of immigration and employment, prioritizing the cultivation of enduring relationships between employers and skilled workers.

  • Eligibility for job offer points hinges upon the following:
  • One year of full-time, remunerated experience within a skilled profession
  • Endorsement of the offer by your company duly specifying your role in the LMIA
  • A link to the identical company on your LMIA-based work permit
  • A valid employment offer for at least a year following the acquisition of your permanent resident visa

Meeting these LMIA prerequisites mandates a valid work permit and a year of full-time engagement for the same company. The LMIA tie is either established via an accompanying LMIA or if you are exempt from it.

While an open work permit like the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) may facilitate points acquisition for Canadian work experience or even qualify you for the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), the exclusive 50 or 200 points attributed to job offers necessitate an LMIA. This implies that your employer must acquire an LMIA to harness these bonus points.

Moreover, the immigration authorities seek assurance of your competence to undertake the applied role. In line with this, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) ascertain the likelihood of your endorsement or certification by a Canadian regulatory entity.

Provincial and territorial certification specifications are established individually. To uncover the prerequisites for licensure or certification within distinct professions, consult the Canadian government's official website or liaise with the relevant agency in your intended province or territory of the settlement.
